Episode 7
Hey everybody Scott DiGregorio here, your Mortgage Guy; coming back to you with some more information. Maybe you’ve been watching our videos, maybe you’ve been doing research. And while you’re watching or doing the research you sit there and you think to yourself, “Okay, I want to buy a house… now what?” Your first step is to give me a call. The reason I say this is because you and I are going to have a strategy session; I have a whole series of strategy sessions where I break down what that means exactly. But basically here is what you need to know.
It’s a lot more complicated and involved than just simply saying, “This is how much money I have for a downpayment,” and, “This is how much money I can afford per month.” Clearly, those are two huge questions, right? But there are other questions that are involved. We look at the property types. We look at what you qualify for. We look at interest rates, and we look at your specific situation. For example, what is your short-term situation, it’s not going to change.
One of the mistakes I see people make is, they’ll make decisions based on their current financial situation. Well, you’re buying a home, and these decisions are going to linger, right? You might have 5-10 years of the impact of this decision; you have got to think it through! Over the next 5-10 years, what might change in your life? Are you going to retire, will your income drop, will you get a promotion, will your income go up? There are a lot of details there.
The important thing is that you go beyond just finding out how much you qualify for. That’s why you go shopping for the perfect home. Another important thing you make sure you’re doing is working with the right real estate professional.
In every single market, there is a wide range of quality when it comes to real estate professionals. Some are really great, others are not as great. The bottom line is if you’re struggling with where to find a good real estate agent, reach out to me. I have a network all over the state, and I can definitely point you in the right direction.
I hope I’ve given you some valuable information. Make sure you’re doing your homework, and your research before you pull that trigger. Because, again, that decision is going to linger with you for a long while.
If you’d like, I can talk to you about your specific situation and have a strategy session with you. You can contact me at (239)910-6040. Just give me a call, I’m here to help!
My name is Scott DiGregorio, I’m your Mortgage Guy, thanks for reading. I’ll talk to you soon, take care.