Coming back to you with another difference in working with myself
and Primary Residential Mortgage
Maybe you own a home and you are thinking about doing a debt consolidation
Maybe you are concerned about your credit, maybe you are concerned about the numbers
Maybe you are concerned that the credit poll is going to drop your score
Look, I am sending all these videos
My mindset is always about removing friction
How can I make things easier for people at every possible stage
And we have an amazing tool that enables us to do a soft poll on your credit reports
So there’s no hits on your credit
Enables me to pull a credit report I can provide you with a copy of it
I can do a proper debt consolidation analysis without taking your credit
Without costing you any money. And we have an idea as to what we are working with
Look, you have got to be careful pulling your credit online
A fair amount of misinformation out there, you could pull your credit
But how does it relate to programs and other things that are out there
That’s my expertise, so look… if you are thinking about doing debt consolidation
We have an amazing tool that will run the numbers for you
Show you the break even points, all sorts of great stuff
And we can also do it without doing a hard hit on your credit
I’m Scott DiGregorio, Your Mortgage Guy
I’ll see you at the next video, take care