DiGregorio Difference

Shop with bankers or brokers?

By June 21, 2019October 6th, 2021No Comments
a person signing papers in the home owning process.

Coming back to you with my latest series on Primary Residential Mortgage and the Scott DiGregorio advantage. Why the heck would you want to use me? Or talk to me about mortgages? I realize that I have been putting out all this great content, and all this information and I’ve never talked about, well, I’m a little uncomfortable talking about myself. But,, hey I’ll give it a shot see if I screw it up

So look, the first thing I want to talk about is this, Is it better to shop with a banker or is it better to shop with a broker? You don’t have to worry about that because I got you covered. Check it out..

We are a direct lender, Primary Residential Mortgage is a direct lender. We lend you our money, we make our own decisions, and I would say, the vast majority of the loans I do are under that model. However, we also have the ability to be a broker. We have the ability to have the control over things while still having the product flexibility that people need. As time goes on, the further we get away from the 2008 collapse, more and more products are coming onto the market, and product availability is key. For a lot of years the only products were FHA, VA, Conventional, and USDA. Having those same products is no longer the case, there are a lot of other products out there.

I am thrilled to be with the company because they are of the mindset “We need to be on the leading edge of products”. If you’ve looked in some of the videos I’ve put together, they talk about the different products. Do you want a Bank? Do you want a Broker? Don’t worry about it, either way I’ve got you covered. 

I’m Scott Digregorio, Your Mortgage Guy

I’ll see you on the next video, take care.


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